LUIElement serves the following multiple purposes:

  • It organizes the UI as parent/child tree
  • It represents a Rectangle: getLeft, getTop, getRight, etc.
  • It's size is always defined by it's parent LUIContainerLayouter
  • Provides Layout-Properties that helps the parent to set the layout.
  • Holds styles for rendering

There are 3 main states to consider:

** visible

If not visible the object will be ignored in layout and won't receive any input events (or generate any)

** inactive TODO implement this

If inactive the element consumes events but won't notify any messages (e.g. an inactive button cannot be pressed. but the events won't be transferred through it - unless configured otherwise ;).

Children too?

** noRender TODO implement this

This deactivates the draw-call for this element and it's children.

Children too?




_children: LUIElement[] = null
_clippingMode: LUIClipBehavior = LUIClipBehavior.None
_containerLayouter: LUIContainerLayouter = null

Defines the layout of it's children

_elementConsume: LUIElementConsume = LUIElementConsume.None
_inactive: boolean = false
_layoutProps: any = null

properties to render and layout this element

_mouseState: LUIMouseState = LUIMouseState.None
_name: string = ""
_noRender: boolean = false
_offset: LUIPos = ...

Offset position appended to all position values

_padding: LUIBorder = ...

Absolute padding on screen in pixel

_parent: LUIElement = null
_position: LUIRect = ...

The current absolute position on screen in pixel

_style: LUIStyle = null
_tmpScissorRect: Rect = ...
_transform: AffineMatrix = null
_transformOnPadding: boolean = false
_transformTmp: AffineMatrix = null
_visible: boolean = true
PlaceHolderArray: any[] = []


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